Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Good Schedule, Mostly

Compare and contrast the three classes at this point of the term; it's quite funny, so far.

1) Marketing: Tonight's class, dealing with market segmentation, delved into the cultural phenomena of Singled Out, Sex and the City, Manolo Blahniks, and ZipCar. Never have I yearned to have my home computer with me so I could open a poker client, but alas, it was not to be. I couldn't even write anything up which might be interesting. We're only a couple weeks in, but my initial fear is

2) Information Security: I'm enjoying this class right now. For example, tonight's class earned an A for a summary and presentation regarding the Absolute Poker superuser scandal - which was well-chronicled by many friends of this site. Extra points for not going with a traditional route (ChoicePoint, BCBS, Home Depot, etc.) but for going outside of the box and bringing in some interesting items. After class came further discussion with the teacher regarding iPhones, OODA loops (which was discussed in class before Ace went nuts with it for the campaign), and other integrated systems we're using now compared to mimeographs of yesteryear. I'm looking forward to presenting next week regarding spoofing and hacking. It's fun so far.

3) My Web Application class tomorrow night requires a programming assignment to be turned in. I've been trying to add some bells and whistles to it before I submit it tomorrow night, including this feature which the teacher should really enjoy. It's a first attempt at JavaScript and CSS from me without relying entirely on templates. It's an interesting introduction to e-commerce...and only seven more programming assignments to go.

Two out of three ain't bad.

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