Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tossed Salad

Bobby Cox got thrown out for the 132nd time last night, setting an all-time record.

Here's one blogger's list of the top 10 ways he should celebrate.

Beating his wife was not listed as one of the possibilities.

Now, instead of focusing on this stupid record, can we start focusing again on the fact that his club is back in 3rd place and out of the wild card lead?

New York 66-52, .559, --
Philadelphia 63-55, .534, 3 GB
Atlanta 63-56, .529, 3.5 GB


Anonymous said...

Has this actually been a big deal down there?

APOSEC72 said...

To a certain extent, yes, at least it's seemed that way to me.

boxercab said...

Nothing like celebrating a wife beater who gets thrown out of baseball games. :P

Anonymous said...

Hey, anything to get their minds off the dog killer.