Thursday, August 28, 2008


As of late, this page has been getting some really, really strange traffic.

Aside from looking for first dates in Atlanta, Atlanta-centered Barbie dolls (or Barbies), and Derek Jeter, there are a lot of searches for Keeley Hazell pictures, Armani, beer commercials, and whore-off - which must mean I'm getting a lot of fashionable, yet horny and alcoholic, visitors.

There's all the poker searches too. Not a surprise.

It's the funnier searches, though, that always get my attention:

  • MILFS place (no, this is Francase Place, not MILFs place, and I'm not a MILF. I'm pretty sure of that.)
  • Cute Nutria (no, they are not cute. They're giant friggin rats.)
  • Nicalexis (I'm not sure what that means)
  • Tequila and prostate (dude, I really don't want to know.)
  • Hippie Boobs (I guess, if you're into that, but...ewwww.)
  • ESPN Olympic Flowchart Home Depot (whaaa?)
  • Heaven's Gate (whaaaa??)
  • Seattle Seahawks Coloring Pages (whaaa???)

Now, the reason I'm bringing up this traffic increase, both of the normal and strange variety:

Starting tomorrow, this is not the only place I'll be writing. I'll also be writing here as a writer on games and gaming - not just poker (though that will comprise a good deal of the posts) but other games and news of the sort, whether it's Madden 2009 review (which I planned to do but had to scrap), a piece about Wii Fit, or anything else game-related. I'll be on the Atlanta section for now but it's license to cover anything that comes up.

I decided to put my name in for it, and I guess this unkempt corner of the web was decent enough to be considered, though there are plenty others whose sites are much better.

My first post should be up fairly soon, possibly by the end of today, and I'll also have a piece or two up for the Gulf Coast Classic, depending on how I schedule myself and who I may be able to speak with.

It's a bit of a different direction, but at the same time, it expands on a lot of what I already write about. I'll just have to work a little harder on what I put out.

(heh heh -I said put out).

I will continue to write here as well - I may actually post more here due to cross-linking everything - but that should also hopefully explain why I've switched my feed to summaries instead of full posts.

Besides, I needed more stuff to do, right?

And before you ask - no, I CANNOT hook you up with Mary Katherine Ham.

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