Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Bad Run

I haven't played very much at the tables lately, as you can probably tell, but tonight I fired it up to play a bit.

I don't think tonight was my night so much, as I got stacked twice in cash tables - QQ to A-5 with an A on the turn, and then running JJ into QQ in the blinds.

I decided to fire up one more tourney before closing the client for the night, a $3500 guaranteed $10 rebuy. As further proof of how poorly I was running, I saw 64 hands and won a grand total of...4.

The one premium hand I saw, JJ, went down to...QQ. Again. I did rebuy, and took the add on as well, which was about what I expected when I signed up. Thankfully I did not run into anything more during monkey hour.

There was a slight overlay, and 130 of 165 finished monkey hour (with 20 paying out), after which folks began dropping fast and furious - 24 in the first level after play resumed.

As for the ending...I ran KJ and the BB woke up with AK, and I finished 58th.

I hope I run slightly better in a few weeks.

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