Friday, September 08, 2006

Cancelled, thankfully

Well, as I wrote about earlier, there wre plans to fly into NYC on 9/11.

Thankfully, those plans have been cancelled. One, because of concern from both me AND my manager about flying on 9/11 into NY. Two, because our Sales team in Virginia didn't actually confirm the meeting with the client or with us, and we weren't going to pay top dollar for plane tickets.

So, maybe another time. On the bright side, I get to spend the weekend preparing for my mid-term on Wednesday, preparing papers for Thursday, working on the lawn, and watching about 18 hours of college and pro football. Between a few hours of holding books and writing/typing, pushing a lawn mower, and clicking a remote, I'll probably have carpal-tunnel by the end of the weekend.

But I get to spend it at home. Which is nice.

I might even get to blog some this weekend, since we're about to pass 2500 visitors to the site. Thanks for all the hits and repeat visits.

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