Sunday, September 24, 2006


Well, yesterday was my second week (of two) working on a new house as part of Habitat for Humanity. This year, the Bank's Volunteer Netowrk is working with the Atlanta affiliate to build a house in Thomasville, right near the lovely Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, so it was much different than last year's build in Gwinnett County (suburbia).

Last week, I was wokring on the house as part of the Team Atlanta Leadership Team - each week is being sponsored by a different line of business within the bank. However, the second week was sponsored by Business Capital, so that meant I would work on two Saturdays.

The first week involved building the walls in the warehouse, bringing them to the ste, and putting them up. Yesterday involved putting on the roof, windows, and siding. As I was not feeling well I decided to not get on the roof, as I normally do on these builds. I opted to do the siding for the house instead.

We started work around 8 AM. Around noon, as I was putting up siding, my thumb decided to introduce itself to my hammer. I put some ice on it for a few minutes, and ate the lunch that showed up around the same time I was being a klutz. Since it still was hurting and swelling after lunch, I called it a day, since we had enough people who could finish.

So, now I have to type a bit slower. Still swollen and sore today, but not broken, so that's a good thing. It's also a good thing that I operate a remote control with my other hand anyway, so my ability to click through football games is unaffected.

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