Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Northern Invasion

Sometime next year, it will happen.

I don't know when, but it will happen.

We will be in New York in 2008.

I don't know when.

I don't know how.

I just know we will.

While we are there, we will be sure to hit Yankee Stadium, Coney Island/Astroland (both closing in 2008), the Central Park Zoo, and the Statue of Liberty.

I didn't say I was the one setting the itinerary.

Those are the places Alex wants to see, along with the subway. The wonders of television and animation can amaze and inspire a three-year old sometimes.

We'll probably fit in the Museum of Natural History, given his love of dinosaurs and animals.

I'm not sure if we'll go to the old haunts. Depending on when we go, we might visit the Upper East Side for a certain building. I already amazed Alex by showing him how large Georgia State's campus was, so I'm not sure what he would make of the building on 55 E. 84th St.

But we are definitely going.

MLB just needs to hurry up and put out the 2008 schedule.

No, really.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evidently, the scehdule has been released, though I can't find it directly from this link. Maybe you'll have better luck.


Maybe you can get luck and get All-Star tix.