Thursday, May 03, 2007

Debatable Drinking Game

Well, the Republican candidates are debating tonight.

What better way to liven it up than to play a drinking game?

Take one drink for any of the following:

"When I'm President..." - gotta start with an easy one, it'll get your buzz going nicely :)

"War on Terror"
"Out-of-Control Spending"
"Cut and Run"
"Cowardly Democrat(s)"
"Judicial Activist"
"Nuclear Proliferation"
"Culture of Corruption"
"Family Values
Anyone goes over their allotted time
Anyone talks about Virginia Tech in ANY regard - media, gun control, doesn't matter
Any camera shot of a Reagan during the debate

Take two drinks for the following:

"Guest Worker"
"Deficit Reduction"
Any blaming of the media - any type (MSM, blogs, nutroots - go for it!)
Any website pimpage by a candidate
Any pimpage of a candidate's military service
"Fair Tax"
Anyone talks about campaign finance reform

Take three drinks:

"Exit Strategy"
"9/11 changed everything"
Anyone makes an accusation to label another candidate a closet liberal

Drain it:

"Reagan mantle"

It's being held at the Ronald Reagan Libraryat 8 PM Eastern.

Keep plenty of supplies handy.

Feel free to add your own special touches. I probably missed a bunch, but it's a good start.

Also being carried online at Politico.

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