Monday, March 27, 2006

Spot the Stupid Person

Federal Judge Refuses Delay on New Orleans Mayoral Race

Which person's comment wins the award for stupid person of the day, in this story about the upcoming New Orleans mayoral election (featuring Choco-man Ray Nagin, Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu, and a bunch of other people, most of whom have no clue)?

a) "I'm very proud of what we're doing." - Al Ater, Secretary of State, in working to contact displaced residents have the election as scheduled on April 22.

b) "We can see that train wreck coming in slow motion" - Attorney Bill Quigley, on the side of those who want a delay in the date of the election due to said displacement.

c) "This is a Florida in the making" - Urban League President and former NoLa mayor Marc Morial. Bad, but not as bad as....

d) "We are seeing people from Iraq being treated better than people from New Orleans." - Al Sharpton

If you picked (d), congratulations! That means you think good old Fat Albert is loony too.


Anonymous said...

rare photo of the Chocolate City mayor with other runners in the Mayoral Race

APOSEC72 said...

Very nice. Like the pics.