Monday, March 16, 2009

Good maiden voyage

I said last month I would be playing very few BBT4 events until May, and that it was likely I would only play the Brit Bloggerment on Sundays as that was the only event I was not tied up doing something else - class (which kills Rivershasers or the Mookie) or family time (which kills Skillz).

With the 4 PM start time of the Brit Bloggerment on Sundays, it's actually possible to play, either because I'm taking a break from schoolwork or, like yesterday, I'm stuck on the couch sick.

So, I played in my first BBT 4 event yesterday while stuck on the couch, after trying to slug through a book for class, while sick.

All things considered, not a bad showing:

Yep, I'm now a whopping 85th on the leaderboard for the month. I'm not winning this month, but I never really had plans to win one of the $2K month packages right now. It's been so long since I played a bloggerment it was just fun to do for a little while.

It took my mind off the aaarrgghhhh feeling in my stomach for a little while - though I'm sure a bad beat early one would have done it.

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