Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Long Day's Journey

In looking over my posts yesterday, I realized it's been almost two weeks since I did anything other than post a clip, or a link to another story. Basically, I haven't really been writing anything.
It's easy to see why, though. In the past two weeks, I have:

  • Gotten food poisoning
  • Gotten that vicious little stomach bug that everyone seems to be getting
  • Worked on three group projects, two individual papers, and had four quizzes with nothing lower than a B (so far)
  • Traveled to Athens on G-Day
  • Traveled to Columbia, SC (APO stuff)
  • Played very little poker (aside from one live game for a small win) due to aforementioned travel, school, and illness
  • Seen my home computer get pretty much fried while working on my last CIS project
  • Get fried by the state of Georgia and the Post Office on Tax Day

That last item might explain why I haven't written anything substantive lately. The laptop, less than two years old, is crapping out on me so I haven't done much on that computer that requires a lot of detail or brainpower. It's put me on a bit of tilt trying to revive it. I didn't think it would crash on me this quickly, but I guess there's a good reason Gateway got bought out with a share price under $2.

I will be very, very happy when May 1 rolls around and all of my exams are done. It's been busy the last few weeks, and boring at the same time, hence the lack of substantive posts. I haven't had the time or motivation to really write anything.

It happens.

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