Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"He did whaaaa..?"

I'm taking Alex to daycare this morning. Because his stuffed animals were left at home (I know, bad daddy...), I've given him my cellphone, which is turned off, to keep him occupied and interested. I'm thinking there's no way he could do anything with it.


He managed to turn on the phone, unlock it, set the time to 11:30 AM (this is at 8:15 this morning), set the date to November 10, 2084 (???) and punch in numbers to call someone (and it was a real number!)

Not even two and he's trying to use a cellphone. I'm trying to figure out if I should be proud, worried, or both.


Paul Zummo said...

The question is, was he roaming?

TSL said...

Can you hear me now...?