Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Easiest Bonus Ever

I started the month with $0.40.

I ended the month with $1.85.

Bonus won: $50.00. I think the highest I ever got, with limited play, was $5.
Easiest...clearing...ever. Thanks for the freebie.


BLAARGH! said...

Too bad it wasn't during SBC, huh?

APOSEC72 said...

Yep, that would have been good for a 350% gain!

BLAARGH! said...

I went the opposite route. I played every day and LOST about $300 for the month. My all in EV puts me at even, so I ran horribly, but there are a lot of bad plays there as well... working on fixing that now. That $50 is gonna come in handy... (I hope!)

Anonymous said...

"By filing posted complaints of election fraud to the Attorney General in selected states, you can help clear the path to articles of Impeachment"...Have you read "The End Game")?
This is a must read for all Georgians.