Friday, September 21, 2007

I didn't hear this on the news!

OK, I get what you were trying to say, but chrissakes, JUST SHUT UP.

Maybe I should add the countdown clock back to the blog too.


ross said...

If you take it literally, its rediculous. If you take it as a euphamism, it makes sense. Saddam killed all the "Mandelas", freedom loving people like Nelson Mandela.


APOSEC72 said...

That's why I started by saying I understood the point of what he was trying to say......but, wow, it's awful as is, which is exactly how it's being run on a lot of outlets.

Well, only another 14 months. But **** like this doesn't help trying to get Fred or another GOP candidate to win in 2008 - it'll be hard enough trying to be portrayed as independent of Bush in the general election.

Anonymous said...

Bush can be blamed for a lot of crap, but this is notpicking. Nothing he said here was wrong, it's just that certain media morons decided to play up the "Bush is a moron" meme.

KajaPoker said...

well I have no idea what this bumbling fool was trying to say. I swear - he should just pretend to be mute and use some Stephen Hawking device to type his "thoughts". Fool me once:

Hey, leave me a comment with your e-mail so I can send you an evite to my next home game, where we can crack your aces again in the first 10 minutes :-)