Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Daddy Day Care (times 7)

Well, I've wound up my week of solo baby care. All in all, it went without too many hitches. It was surprisingly calm.

I've learned a few interesting things:

  • It doesn't matter how many times a child has watched the same Sesame Street tape, they want to see it again. (Also, it's helpful when you need a minute to do something, and there's always a safe cartoon or show on.)
  • When there is only one parent around, it's fun to test limits (How little can I get away with eating? How late can I stay up? How many animals can I carry around at once?)
  • The cute things stand out even more - one day on the way back from day care, he was "telling" his stuffed animals that there were no more cheerios until they got home.
  • I have a lot more patience now than I used to or that I expected to have compared to a year or two ago.
  • I'm also saying things I never expected to say a year or two ago. Gems such as "don't put the animals in the dishwasher" and "the giraffe has eaten enough rice".

That being said, I'm glad life as a single dad has ended (for now), with the wife coming back from New Orleans Sunday. Still, it went a lot better than I thought it would.

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