Tuesday, June 27, 2006


No, I'm not talking about the Braves' lousy bullpen. Or Rolaids.

I talking about a general sense of relief that accompanies being calm.

I haven't posted a lot in the last week or so, mostly because the last week has been amazingly topsy-turvy, to put it mildly. In no particular order, there was GSU school registration, annual reviews at work (the first since I changed jobs), my current boss leaving and a new boss moving up (eek), and two sudden openings at the office (which were big surprises to the rest of us).

However, all that pales in comparison to going to a doctor for tests. I'm normally skittish about stepping foot anywhere near a doctor's office, so I was especially nerve-wracked when going last week to Northside Hospital.

Thankfully, after weeks of concern about things working out OK, we got told that yes, in fact, things were OK and moving along very well.

17 weeks along and counting up to 40. But we'll have to wait until December for the newest Francis to make her debut. In the meantime, we can keep praying for a happy few months and for a happy, healthy little girl to make for a very happy Christmas season.

OK, I'll stop using the word "happy" for a little while. But frankly, after the last few weeks, of a lot of different stressors creating the perfect storm (and a severe lack of sleep), it is a big relief to know that, for now, everything may just work out OK.

For our next post, we will return to the usual snarkiness, but for now, it's good to just be happy. (Oops, did it again)


TSL said...

Excellent news, and a welcome relief!

Paul Zummo said...

That's great news! I'm HAPPY for you.