Sunday, April 02, 2006

I'll never get those two hours back

I don't go to the movies much anymore. Not a really high priority unless it is something big. Not worth the time, or the money, considering most of what is put out there as "entertainment".

We had a free Showtime weekend preview, so we actually had time to watch last year's Best Picture Winner, Crash.

I suppose my best reaction would be something along the lines of.....this pretentious pile of self-serving, anti-hero crap was the best picture put out by Hollywood last year?

Aside from being a generally disjointed plot, having no characters one can sympathize with, and the crappy liberal sentiment of everyone should just get along and hug, it wasn't too bad.

I ought to sue Lions Gate to get back the two hours of my life wasted on such an annoying piece of pretentious dung.

On the bright side, at least this confirms my decision not to give Hollywood money for the pleasure of viewing their self-serving hooey.

***UPDATE 4/3: Considering how bad I think his columns are, I'm not surprised that Peter King on SI talks about how it was a great film, since his columns also tend towards self-serving hooey - such as last week's colonoscopy column. TMI to the nth power.

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